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Surfing is a suce water sport in which the surfer moves along the suce of a broken wave (surfing). However, surfing is not limited to salt water. Sometimes it can also happen on rivers.

The main use of the word ^v^surfing^v^ is to ride on a surfboard on which the surfer stands. Other forms include body surfing, in which the surfer's upper body is lifted only partially from the suce of the surfboard, while body surfing does not use the surfboard at all.




On Freedom of Speech and Expression, the report noted that governmentactors tend to lean on the side of censorship with attempts tointroduce bills that give authorities the power to shut down theinternet, limit access to social media, and make criticising thegovernment punishable with penalties that include imprisonment.


我们顺着来看句子的含义,首先状语“OnFreedom of Speech and Expression 关于言论和表达自由”,主谓“thereport noted 报告指出”,接下来that引导宾语从句。


这一处罚是“withpenalties that includeimprisonment”,这里用了一个小的定语从句解释说明了“penalties”的具体内容,即“包括监禁在内的惩罚。”


Surfing is a suce water sport in which the surfer moves along the suce of a broken wave (surfing). However, surfing is not limited to salty water and can sometimes occur on rivers. The main use of the term ^v^surf^v^ is to ride on the waves with a surfboard standing on the surfer.

Other forms include body boards, in which inpiduals lift their upper body only partially from the suce of the surfboard. Without the use of a surfboard, the two main branches of modern upright surfing are long board and short board, reflecting differences in the design and riding style of trawl surfboards (in most cases, but not only with big waves) Surfers are dragged into waves by motor-driven water vehicles (. jet aircraft).

Generally speaking, according to the size, direction and wind conditions of the waves, standard rowing is usually ineffective when trying to match the higher speed of big waves. Therefore, sailboats can also surf in open waters. Unlike ^v^surfers^v^, sailors usually do not surf in beach waves They don't usually go out to surf, and wave and wind conditions may allow them to surf during sailing trips.

Recently, kayaking athletes have increasingly adopted the same principles of manual surfing, especially in boat sports, which are mainly carried out on rivers (see playground surfing related sports, such as paddleboard and sea kayaking, which do not require waves, and other derivative sports, such as kite surfing and windsurfing, rely mainly on wind power, but more recently, with the use of V-drive boats, all of these have been adopted Tools can also be used to ride the waves. Wake surfing has grown. Wake surfing is surfing behind a boat, riding on the waves or wake of a boat.




On data protection, the study found that “there is and regulatory oversight available to sufficiently protectpersonal data…” as provisions in the telecommunication andcybercrime legislation can be exploited for surveillance purposes bygovernment departments.


我们顺着句子的内容来看,首先是一个不难判断的状语“ondata protection 在数据保护方面”,“thestudy found that”就是一套完整的主谓宾结构,构成了主句的主干,而由“that”引导的宾语从句整体作为主句的宾语出现。

这个宾语从句只要顺着读即可翻译,我们把它切分为前后两部分,前部分“thereis insufficient judicial and regulatory oversight available没有足够的司法和监管监督”,后半部分“tosufficiently protect personal data 来充分保护个人数据”。




Nowadays, there is a growing popularity of Internet surfing on college campus. An increasing number of students, majoring either in science or engineering or in liberal arts, spend many hours surfing the Internet with keen interest everyday.

Internet surfing has attracted college students like magnets because it is the world of Internet and the world of globalization. First,with the global coverage of Internet,we can reach out and touch anyone at any place of the world. Via Internet,we can send and receive E-mails at any time much faster, cheaper and more effective than conventional means such as telephone, telex and fax. Next,via access to the home pages of libraries, universities, journals and news agencies, and research organizations, we can easily acquire all kinds of information, to know what is going on all over the world. Finally, by clicking the mouse, we are capable of doing such important things as shopping, finding jobs, making friends,down-loading files and programs, doing business, publishing papers and freely airing our opinions on all sorts of interesting issues. What is more, Internet offhrs many opportunities. For example, we can work, educate ourselves and communicate with others at home via Internet.

In the Information Age, it is difficuh to imagine modern life without Internet. With the rapid development of Information Technology industry, successful dot-com companies mushroomed everywhere. Internet is revolutionizing our economy, our society and our life.


Nowadays, Internet surfing is becoming more and more popular on campus. More and more students, whether they are science and engineering or liberal arts, spend a lot of time surfing the Internet every day. Because this is the world of Internet, the world of globalization, and the global coverage of the Internet, we can contact anyone anywhere in the world through the Internet, and Internet surfing has attracted many universities We can send and receive e-mail at any time faster, cheaper and more efficient than traditional methods such as telephone, telex and fax.

Secondly, by visiting the home pages of libraries, universities, journals and news agencies, as well as research institutions, we can easily get all kinds of information and understand the situation around the world. Finally, by clicking the mouse, we can do some important things, such as shopping, finding jobs, friends, downloading files and programs, doing business, publishing s and publishing freely. We are interested in all kinds of things View of the problem.

In addition, there are many opportunities on the Internet, for example, we can work, educate ourselves and in the information age, it is difficult for people to imagine modern life without the Internet. With the rapid development of information technology industry, succesul network companies are springing up. The Internet is bringing revolutionary changes to our economy, society and life.


标签: 新学期
