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1、You are one of the most CUTE persons in the world!Just a second,don't misunderstand.CUTE means:Creating,Useless,Troubles,Everywhere.
  2、Today, tomorrow and forever there will be one heart that would always beat for you. You know whose??? Your Own Stupid Aprill Fooll.
  3、You Are the one who is CHARMING,You Are the one who is INTELLIGENT,You Are the one who is CUTE,And I am the One who is spreading these RUMOURS.
  4、If you are a shooting star I chase given you, if you are a satellite I will wait for you, if you are a star I'll Fall in love with you, but unfortunately ... you are a gorilla I can only see you at the zoo ! Unfortunately, ah!
  5、April Fool's Day coming, April 1, text messages are bogus, means just the opposite, please pay attention. The following is the first: You are a lover of handsome jade tree as beautiful as the devil is!
  6、I love you for life! This is true trust me! You're my baby! Life is missing you can not do! Your heart is only I know! Your eyes the most tender,April Fool the happy!
  7、Psychological tests: You race against a bear, you want to: 1 you run fast 2 fast 3 slower than the bear ... the answer : 1 than beasts, beasts; 2 animals; beast than you! Happy April Fool 's Day!
  8、You stand in the crowd was white from the wind long hair, as the most beautiful melody, echoed in my mind, I want to say: your wig off ... today April Fool's Day Oh!
  9、Poor mobile phone users, very sorry, because you confirm this entry SMS, so infected the April Fool's Day bacteria. Bacteria are marched in robust pace through your body .....
  10、If you look ugly, please call 110; if you build well, please call 120; If you are a bad temper, please call 119; if you feel beautiful, please call my cell phone, go into the details ......
  11、your face than the Chen Shimei also America's eyes brighter than the wise; my love than Lu Zhishen deep my love than Guan Yu is still long, but my promise Monkey King is also empty. April Fool's Day Happy!
  12、you are very happy; see you are very happy;love you I will never do; your mind is something I have been doing;however,lie to you just what happened.
  13、Last night I Got a severe Headache.I went to the Doctor.He said that It would be cured If I would send a SMS to some stupid person.
  14、This love, is love, a love, good love, way love,To love, keep love, an love, idiot love, busy love,For love, 20 love, seconds love!Now read it without the word love.
