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The fool's Day is coming, let squeamish naughty clumsy and stupid stupid idiotic Amoy friends my silly Johnson happy holidays. Who says the panda is April Fool's day?
The fool's Day is coming, we want the spirit of my people stupid fool everyone my attitude, not in accordance with the principle of stupidity has hindmost, remember that regardless of the truth lie can fool the teachings of good things, the stupid music career in the end.
The April Fool's day today, "Yu Ji" I wish you happiness there is no "fool", "love fool" wish you the truth is not "stupid", "Jin Yu" wish you a profitable year "fool", "Jian Yu" wish you health "fool" fast mood!
A couplet: today, please send to Li off the difficult difficult to believe something difficult, call friends, beware beware; mobile phone, indistinct but speak not letter, send a message, to molest; Hengpi: Happy April Fool's Day!

The prices we fool for dwelling house slaves; the wages we fool late nine in five; the reality we fooled trance; for every day is April Fool's day, I wish you a happy holiday happy.
If you smile, you are a ghost scream; happy monk mask; a howl, you all mad; you cry, your mouse poison; a trouble, caused by earthquake and tsunami; don't fool comfort you, the consequences will be unimaginable!
If your hobby is shopping, see the beauty. The pet is slobber; turtle, will actually learn sheep baa; your dream is when Dad, don't have to work every day to rest. Happy holidays, happy April Fool's day!
If you are angry like angels in coquetry you dance like swans; stretch; you walk like a duck in the exercise. Your enchanting hidden knife, your charming than cats; indeed, you are beautiful like a demon! Happy day!
I love you a gentle and kind friends, good temper, hard work hard to make money, no health disease, praised the leadership colleagues praise, no trouble without annoying smiling, the most enviable for you a fool, everyone to send you information.

But I don't quite understand you understand understand, if I understand you clearly understand the meaning of I will not ask you not clear understand understand the meaning of the. Happy April Fool's day!
I don't know if you know that I have an especially want to let you know it, you probably know that this sentence I know and want to know what you are to say, I want you to know is: Happy April Fool's Day!
If you go to school, there is a school; you have to act in an opera, theater; you play, there is a movie theater; you, there is the theater; then I ask you, how are you, there is a madhouse? Happy April Fool's Day!
The water receiving water is pouring water called bucket; glass; eating soup called spoon; meat chopping knife and watching the message call; giggle, call. Happy April Fool's day!
The life is not how much money, the best day is carpe diem; dull commonplaces, adjust the mentality of the best holiday; regardless of the nature, understand that happiness is best; fools amused, rare earth confused; others are stupid, have all the package tolerance; Happy April Fool's day!
We also work in? More than once I say to you don't work hard, pay attention to the body. But you are always meaningful to say: do not take advantage of a few days to warm a few balls of dung, what I eat in the winter.
The micro Yu, slightly stupid, stupid little more stupid, very stupid, very stupid, stupid storm, thunder stupid, stupid invincible... The moon is approaching, and your April Fool's index is on the rise.



The donkey with fish ass said the fish is fish more foolish donkey donkey donkey donkey donkey said fish fish ass fish fish fish Yu said the donkey donkey stupid donkey donkey said fish stupid donkey, you know more foolish donkey or fish more ass? Don't know? That's good, happy April Fool's Day!
The work is not positive, treatment; love is not active, physiological problems; the answer is not positive, sick in the head. You to invite me to dinner when has not answered, there is a reason, I wronged you! Happy April Fool's Day!
If you have a pair of good eyes all eyes fool, a fool these sound beams a good voice, "good water, identified by the authority, you are a fool in the boutique, give you beauty Yu honor and happy April Fool's day.
The true and false false is true true true false true true false false false is true and false false is true to true and false true false false is true, you know what I said is true or false or false is true, haha, happy April Fool's Day!
As a veteran of the stupid music circle, I remind you, stupid music circle of the deep water, want to have to understand Le Yu unspoken rule, can fools fool, the fool is happy, you may fool in Dayu especially stupid, stupid personality, fool out of style.

But today is the fool's day, our slogan is all not to fool for the purpose of the act is bullying. We must always adhere to four basic principles to fools, fools fool, fool is more foolish, Dole, I wish you more and more happy fool!
A fool is one of the most shocking function, that is his delight in other people's dullness on. But today I will not enable this feature because. You have to meet a happy day!
If I invite you to dinner! Your head is not filled with touching exclamation or question marks lost? Don't worry, although today is April Fool's day, but I will not deceive you, after all, please do not ask me, believe it or not.
