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给别人写信英语落款范文 第一篇

21 June

Dear Mary,

Thanks for your last letter. Im so glad that you have been able (at last! ) to arrange a holiday in Australia. As I fear I wont be able to meet you at the airport when you arrive, nor will I be able to be home until later in the afternoon, so here are some instructions and suggestions.

There is a bus from the airport to the city. It is much cheaper than a cab. Take the bus to the city and ask to get off at Town Hall railway station.

To get to my place in the eastern suburbs you have three options. You can either take a cab, a bus or the train. I suggest you take the train, since the airport bus will leave you right at the station. Get off at Cliff Station. From there you can either walk to my place (about ten minutes) or take a taxi. Probably you should take a taxi as you will have luggage.

给别人写信英语落款范文 第二篇


For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a letter. Suppose you are Zhang Ying. Write a letter to Xiao Wang, a schoolmate of yours who is going to visit you during the week-long holiday. You should write at least 120 words according to the suggestion given below in Chinese:

1. 表示欢迎

2. 提出对度假安排的建议

3. 提醒应注意的事项

A Letter to a Schoolmate

June 23, XXXX

Dear Xiao Wang,





Zhang Ying

给别人写信英语落款范文 第三篇


Just so so普通,

How are you?

How are you feeling?

How are you doing these days?

Is everything going on well with you nowadays?

How is everything going?

Does everything go well with you?

How are you getting along with everything?

What's happening?在忙什么

How are you?你好吗?

Nice to meet you(适用于第一次见面)很高兴见到你,

给别人写信英语落款范文 第四篇

Dear Wang Gang,

I was very interested to hear that youve looking for a have never visited your country but I should be very happy to write to you. Let me introduce myself.

Im seventeen years study in a high go to school every day. My best-liked subject is hope to go to university and finally become a doctor.

My favourite sports are football and observing other hobbies are collecting stamps and doing crossword puzzle.

Please write to me and tell me about very much looking forward to reading your letter.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Hampton

给别人写信英语落款范文 第五篇

Dear leaders:


First of all, sincerely thank you for your visit in 100 of the cover letter I am in this for me would be a great encouragement. This is a simple and plain letter of the job. Perhaps it did not deeply ordinary your vision, but it contains a sincere heart. To this end, this sincerely, I implore you to read the cover letter of the ordinary! It is with a sincere heart and to the pursuit of the cause, in good faith recommend your own.

I am a farmers son, blood is flowing alcohol Fangfei soil honest farmers, but also taught me not to travel tough criteria and methods of doing things, family poverty, parental expectations, social competition is the driving force for me to study . I very much cherish their study time, so I will not only seriously in school learning period, but also actively take part in some training. The 21st century as a youth, I am well aware of contemporary talent competition is very intense, a competitive down-to-earth person who needs not only expertise, but also have the capacity, in particular the practical ability and interpersonal capacity.

Eagle will be in order to fight into the sky! Would like to your eye, open my life journey.

If I am fortunate to have your appreciation and become a member of your company, I will work hard to keep up the spirit of humility to learn from their predecessors, and to do everything I have learned, along with your company to forge ahead towards a bright future even more glorious!



给别人写信英语落款范文 第六篇













is it going?最近怎么样?

am glad to receive your letter.很高兴收到你的来信。

am looking forward to receiving your letter.我期待着你的来信。

you in advance.提前谢谢你。

wirte to me as soon as possible.请尽快回信

luck |Best wishes.祝你好运

7.对…有害do harm to/be harmful to/be detrimental to

8.对…观点因人而异Views on…vary from person to person

9.把时间和精力放在…上focus time and energy on…

10.缓解压力/减轻负担relievestress/ burden

给别人写信英语落款范文 第七篇

20 March 20_

Dear Sir,

Iwas very interested in your advertisement in todays edition of The Evening Post and I should like to apply to be a member of the Amazon Expedition team.

Iam twenty-three years old and have an honors degree in Botany from Bath University. Since leaving university I have been working in a research laboratory but my contract comes to an end in six weeks. I would particularly like to join the expedition for the opportunity it would give me to study the plant life of the area. I enjoy several outdoor activities including rowing and rock climbing and I consider myself to be both fit and healthy enough to undertake such an expedition.

If you would like me to attend an interview, I would be able to come at any time convenient to you, (J1) my employers have agreed to give me time off for the purpose.

Ilook forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Lily Ma
