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  Everybody has an idol in their heart, and some change their idol with theage changing.The public pays more attention to the amusement circle, but forme, I am more favored of the athletes, because I am so admire of their strongwill and spirit.For example, the famous tennis player Nadal, who is from Spain.He is my favorite athlete.I remembered the first time I saw him playing tennismatch on TV.He was about to lose the game, but he kept his attention and nevergave up one point.At last, he won the match.What a great athlete! The spirithe owning inspires me to move on.An excellent idol should have somethingdeserves the public to admire, so the things they present to the public issurely the positive sides.The power of idol is great.



  Everybody knows that our life is very short, so the great educators alwaysadvocate us to do what we like and pursue for our goals bravely.Most peoplehave many ideas in their minds and they dare not to take action, becausethinking of the effort they make but what if they accomplish nothing, so theydecide to give up and just live the boring life.It reminds me of the famouswords, some people just die at age of 20 but only to be buried at the age of 70.As we are young and full of energy, it is a good time for us to fight for ourfuture, never be afraid of failure, because it is the mother of success.We canachieve our goals if we have patience, just to cherish time and keepfighting.



  Today is an excellent day for small improvements.Whatever is working foryou, find a way to improve it just a little.There’s no need to make a hugechange, just a small one, something you can do right now.

  If you called just one additional customer each day, over the course of thenext month you would talk to about 20 new people.If you learned just one morenew word each day, in the next year you would increase your vocabulary by morethan 300 words.

  Small improvements can add up over time into big accomplishments.Lookaround you.Consider the work you do each day.Think about how you could do itjust a little bit better.

  In a marathon race, each step the winner takes is just a little bit longerand a little bit faster than each stride taken by the 100th place finisher.Yetover the course of the race, that small difference adds up in a big way.

  Do just a little bit more today, and tomorrow too, and each day after that.Anyone can make just a small improvement, and that can make a big, bigdifference.







  Enjoy that uniquenesss1.You do not have to pretend in order toseem more like someone else.You do not have to lie to hide the parts of youthat are not like what you see in anyone else.

  You were meant to be different.Nowhere, in all of history, will the samethings be going on in anyone’s mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yoursright now.

  If you did not exist, there would be a hole in creation, a gap2 in history,and something missing from the plan for humankind.Treasure your uniqueness.Itis a gift given only to you.Enjoy it and share it!

  No one can reach out to others in the same way that you can.No one canspeak your words.No one can convey your meanings.No one can comfort otherswith your kind of comfort.No one can bring your kind of understanding toanother person.No one can be cheerful and light-hearted3 and joyous4 in yourway.No one can smile your smile.No one else can bring the whole unique impactof you to another human being.

  Share your uniqueness.Let it flow out freely among your family andfriends, and the people you meet in the rush and clutter of living, wherever youare.That gift of yourself was given to you to enjoy and share.Give yourselfaway!

  See it! Receive it!

  Let it inform you, move you and inspire you!

  You are unique!











  Some people go through life standing at the excuse counter.

  They say they’d like to do this or that, but then they offer all theexcuses in the world for why they can’t do whatever it is.No matter what theexcuses are, the only thing that is usually limiting them is their ownself-perception.

  If I’ve learned anything, I’ve learned that a person —any person —may doanything they set their mind on doing.The things you need are willingness towork for what you want, patience to learn what you need to know and, mostimportant of all, belief in yourself.You only need a seed, and then your faithin yourself will grow with you as you move forward.

  If your self-perception is that you can’t accomplish something becauseyou’re not smart enough, then take the time to learn what you need to know, andthen your self-perception will change.

  If your self-perception is that you can’t accomplish something because younever finish anything you start, then go and finish something and change yourself- perception.

  If your self-perception is that you’re too lazy, too busy, too unworthy,too unfocused, too depressed, or too dependent on others to accomplish greatthings, then you’re right.You are that because you believe you are, but infact, you can change that! Life is change, and the past doesn’t equal thefuture.Your reality today is the result of your past beliefs and actions.Change your beliefs and actions, and you will change your future.Whether youthink you can or you can’t, you’re right.You are what you think.

  Think about that the next time you need an excuse.







