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假如我有超能力 中英文演讲稿



Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. my name is Yin Tong from China Harbor Solid Waste ManagementProject. I am honored to be here to share my story“onesteponto landfill”.

My impression of the project starts with anticipation. When I was in Beijing, I hadbeen looking forward to improving myself on the project. When I arrived in Colombo in November, I found that many waste was abandoned on the roadside of this city, and some even floated in the river. It made me look forward to project more than before, I hope ourproject can improve the sanitary conditions, and let people live in a cleaner city.(78)

Our project lies in Aruwakkalu, a place with beautiful scenery. Powerful trees, blowing clouds, birds fly through leaves and elephants walk through jungles. But inour project, there are more than 400 tons of waste filled at site everyday. The odor from the waste is scattered in the air, grabbed my throat and made me faint. The first time I came to site, I even tried to escape. “Oh my god”“Ican’t breath”“Someone help me”.As a result, I began to worry that the beautiful scenery would disappear gradually because of the waste.(99)

Then one day, I needed to go deep into the landfill to check the leachate membrane. I was shocked when I facing the landfill, I felt myself so tiny in front of the waste mountain. I took one step onto the waste, I saw the lake waving the glory, I saw the tree striving on the red soil, then I saw the waste around me, I felt into deep sadness. I realize that without the landfill, there may be waste everywhere, then the lake may be polluted, the trees may wither, elephants may die because of eating toxic substance, and people may stand the odor every moment. Only then did I realize the enormity of my responsibility. (117)

Ialways think that I live in this place, drink the same water as local people, enjoy the same sky as local people, maybe I'm a member of Sri Lanka too,so what can I do for Sri Lanka? I must undertake my duty and concentrate to my work. I have spendhalf of my working time on site to push the project forward. Every time I stood on the site, saw the progress we got, I wound think that I was fulfilling my responsibility, I was on the way to feedback the society.(94)

I’m only a common one of China Harbor, and there are many diligent people around us. Actually, since the first engineering team came to Sri Lanka in 1998, China Harbor has begun to write history of dedicationin this land. Generations of forerunners devoted in their jobs, worked hard day and night, contributed to the prosperity of Sri Lanka and South Asia. (65)

As for today, the Belt and Road Initiative promotes economic communication between China and the world. Our company will actively responds to this world-recognized initiative, spreading our footprint all over the world, and providing more high-quality services to the world. Our young engineers are honored to undertake this glorious duty, to strive for Sri Lanka, to strive for south Asia, to strive for the bright future of the world. (69)
