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  Thanks to the open policy in China, more and more foreign businessmen havecome to invest, building new factories, mines and other business enterprises, orenlarging and improving old ones. Foreign investment is important in that itsupplements the economy of our country. It has the advantage of importingforeign capital, technology, talents, advanced equipment and methods ofmanagement.

  Ours is a country of vast territory, abounding in natural resources andlabor force.Foreign investment can help to explore the resources and make use ofthe labor force, thus giving our strong points to play. In a word, foreigninvestment may improve our economy. Of course foreign investment is of mutualbenefit.The foreign businessmen can also reap profits, otherwise they would notcome to invest.

  To attract more foreign investment, we must maintain the country’spolitical stability to bring about a good investment environment.Meanwhile weshould carry out some good policies, which makes the foreign businessmen believethat to invest in China does pay.


  I have a question for you. ‘do you know how to breathe?’ okay, i know whatyou are thinking now, “girl, are you kidding me? everybody knows how tobreathe.” actually, if i were you sitting down in there one year ago, i wouldthink, “how did she make it to the final?”

  Alright, seriously speaking, what i am talking about is “the art ofbreathing”, and it’s about breathing in a yoga way: peacefully and always undercontrol. what it reveals is the real essence of perseverance, “in order toachieve, sometimes, you need to wait.” and when it comes to things you reallywant in life, it is as hard as it could possibly be.

  For me, singing is a life thing. when i am singing on the stage, i feelwhole-heartedly involved, and the self-fulfillment it renders is inexplicablythrilling. but with all the realistic problems i need to face in life, all thosei want seem too far to be true– so far that i am terrified that i will neverever be able to get there and that gradually i will be carried away by thecurrents and torrents of life. i’ve been drowned into this ambivalence for solong. now, with a refined perspective towards self-realization, i am waiting, ina graceful posture, and knowing that i am going to get there. and on this, ishould say, i owe yoga a thank-you.

  I still remember, about one year ago, i attended a yoga course for the veryfirst time. and to tell you the truth, i went there for a nice figure. however,after practicing for some time, i discovered that there was an ineffableinner-strength burgeoning sneakily in me while i totally focused. in order notto let go this significant power, i started to picture all i wanted in my mindwhile i was fully concentrating, for i believe the wings of imagination couldmake things possible. i learned to breathe with my dreams, shaping the eagernessinto this elegant gesture of persisting.

  And now, if you ask me what exactly is “the art of breathing”, i would sayit is indeed “the art of living”. it combines the search of balance, the graceof patience, and the awareness of appreciation.

  So even though feelings are tied up with life routines, i could still holdonto that free ego which i have always adored: the girl who is singing under thespotlight, with all her heart and soul; the girl who is persevering with all shebelieves in and always feels grateful for what has been bestowed on her.

  That girl is now standing right here in front of you, hoping that you areall as lucky as she is, living with dreams and love. no matter how tough thingsget, i tell myself, i tell myself that, every single thing i am doing now isevery step closer to that very moment of my trajectory, just like every yogabreath to every blossom moment of my life.



  Everyone has his own dream, which can be realized or not and which can bedifferent from time to time. However, there must be a long –term one in one’smind. In other words, it is not easy to be realized. I have a dream: to passCET-6 before I graduate from the university. It’s maybe easy for most of myclassmates, but to me it is as difficult as cracking the hardest nut in theworld. I have been studying English for about 10 years. It should not be theNo.1 task in my university agenda, but too many failures forced me to do so. Ientered one of the most famous universities in China with the almost lowestEnglish mark among all my students. I was really disappointed aboutthat.Although I was not good at English when I was in the middle school, it wasnot at least about the average. I had no strength to face the frustration. Aftera semester’s study I was the lowest indeed. I have never cried for study before,but this time I shed tears. Since then I made up my mind to pass CET-6 before mygraduation.

  Glanced back to my English studying experience, I realized that interest isone of the key factors to grasp knowledge. I study English only for theexamination before, but not the language itself. That is the weakest point ofme. I must overcome it so as to realize my dream. I made a plan: read one storyuntil I can recite it each day; listen to the tapes related to the books aswell. English is not so disgusting for me now. I will persist in doing so evenafter I pass CET-6. I wish my English would be as good as my native language inthe future.



  The dream came true----the first day i work for the __ olympics

  I woke up and looked at my watch. oh my god, It’s 7:30 already! i have toget up at once otherwise I’ll be late. today i’ll take the australian athletesas a tour guide around beijing, and i’m going to be the interpreter at thebeijing olympic games opening ceremony tomorrow. this has always been a dream ofmine since beijing won the bid of the olympics, and now the dream has finallycome true—i have already become a successful interpreter. and today is anotherimportant day of my interpreting career. i’m a little nervous but, of course,very excited. here goes my plan for today:

  Well, our first destination is, surely, the landmark of beijing, the symbolof the 5000 years’civilization—the forbidden city—where the emperors andempresses of the ming and qing dynasties lived, and it’s really grand. it wasrenovated recently because of the coming olympics.

  The second place we are going to is the great wall. this is the onlybuilding, i hear, that can been seen from the moon, and it represents thediligence and the wisdom of whole chinese nation.

  Now, it’s time for lunch. we plan to have… what? you say ”beijing duck”?yeah, right you are! we’ll come back to the center of beijing, and we’ll havedinner at “quanjude” restaurant. you can enjoy the most delicious chinesefood—beijing duck, and you must be very pleased to hear this! then I’ll show youaround the summer palace. It’s the royal garden for the emperors and empressesof the qing dynasty to pass the hot summers.

  After visiting those historical places, you’ll surely be impressed by thelong-lasting history of our great country. at the same time, during the journeyof moving from one place of interest to another, we won’t miss having a glanceof beijing’s modern civilization. the skyscrapers, beautiful avenues andadvanced facilities must also catch your eyes. and we’ll also have a chance toexperience beijing’s fast development in person. we’ll do some shopping at theshopping center near the olympics village. you can buy everything there ofcourse except guns and drugs which are seriously forbidden in china. to see isto believe. what you see and experience will be strong prove of your choice tobeijing, china!

  That’s all about my plan for the day. what do you think of it, my friends?today, I’m very proud to be here to give a speech about a dream, a dream forwhich we worked together for nine years or even more. as beijing becomes thehost city of the 29th olympic games, every beijinger cares for the environmentand good manners and behaviors much more than before. now beijing has alreadymade herselves’ dream come true. so i must work harder to catch up with hersteps. knowing the hardness of making a dream into reality, I need to do my bestat every side of my work, so then I believe my little dream—to be aninterpreter—will definitely be realized someday in the future!

  Thank you


  Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen. today,we are gathering here todiscuss a very hot issue. how to find harmony in a new age between man andnature? where modern science and technology are concerned i am only a layman ihave to say. however, living in this "new age" , seeing my dear ones sufferingfrom respiratory diseases from time to time, finding the beautiful colors ofgreen and blue are being replaced by that of gray and pale, and realizing thatour mother planet is getting more and more unhealthy; i can't help trying tooffer my idea and my trivial efforts to look for the answer of the question.

  As the ancient greek oracle goes: know thyself. i think in answering thisabove-mentioned question, this precondition is also very important.

  Who are we? this is a question, which should be answered not only by thosespecialists, but also by every one of human beings.

  Some people may proudly say: we are the masters of nature. it is true thatthe idea of "man can conquer nature" has dominated people's mind for years, andit is true, man has kept acting like a master and doing whatever things he wantsfor thousands of years. however, as the consequence of this kind of "leadership", now the "master" seems to be confronted with problems that are far beyond hiscontrol. facts are really very ample. thegreen house effect leaves islands andcities along the coast, such as this oriental pearl-shanghai, in danger of thedisaster of being drowned;the holes of the ozone layer make the earth lesssuitable to live for some creatures including human beings;the phenomena of elnino and la nina leave the land with serious flood and drought, and thediseases, caused by pollution,are increasing at an incredible speed... seeingall these facts, can we still ignore the counterattack of nature? we are not themasters of nature. facing all the disasters made by ourselves, we, mankind as awhole should realize that we are just a normal member of the big family ofnature. any mistreatment towards nature will meet only with the revenge fromher.

  By saying so, i do not mean we should give a sudden stop to anydevelopment. because that will result in a threat to the existence of humansociety. i mean we should treat nature equally, leaving the chance of existenceand development to nature as we are obtaining the same thing, and thus we willget the situation of win-win.

  I am very pleased to find that now more and more people, from every cornerof the planet, have come to realize that harmony with nature is the only way touniversal and continuous progress and prosperity. and i think that is why wecome here from all over the country to discuss this topic today.

  I want to end my speech by quoting from mr. nixon. "our destiny offers, notthe cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity." the future is not ours tosee of course. however, by seizing firmly the opportunities, by knowing clearlyabout ourselves, we, human beings, can doubtlessly achieve the real harmony withnature!

  Thank you.
