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English Name : YJBYS

  Chinese Name: Dong-rong JI

  Cellphone :13xxxxxxxxxx



  Representative(Clerk) of multinational corporation in China

  Assistant manager

  Assistant of multinational bank

  Representative of commerce

  Assistant of foreign trade


  (1)Guangzhou International Federal Company (Representative)

  in charge of logistic and inspection

  in charge of resourcing

  (2)Guangzhou Hanglian Chemical Co., Ltd (Assistant Manager)

  From Jan, 20_

  in charge of discussing business&transactions with the government

  in charge of the finance transfer&operate, and relative banking business

  in charge of interior business of the company with manager

  keep contact with customers and dispose their affairs

  (3)Guangzhou FengYang Street Office in Haizhu District (Secretary)

  From Jan, 20_ to Dec, 20_

  in charge of security management in businesses

  in charge of administration in financial department

  arrange the environmental security examination

  arrange the checkup about business license with business administration

  (4)Guangzhou branch of China telecom (Clerk)

  From Dec, 1999 to Dec, 20_

  in charge of the business between China mobile and China telecom

  in charge of the business of cash flow about telephone and cellphone

  deal with a new application of the customers

  participate a special training about “how to be a excellent seller”


  20_ up to now Guangdong University of Technology,major in International Economics& Trade

  1997-1999 Guangzhou University,major in International Finance


  Be familiar with and care for international and domestic political affairs 、current events and economical activity.

  Excellent in English listening、speaking、reading and writing.Familiar with English for politics、current events、economics、foreign trade and military affairs.Be able to write English reports and materials.

  Familiar with basic operation of the computer(Windows XP、Office、Internet etc.)

  Certificates:CET- 4、BEC(Business Economic Certificate), Driver‘s License, The Certificate of Declare Dutiable Goods、Accounting Certificate


  High ability in communication with others

  Strong spirit in team collaboration

  With responsibility for self job

  Like to accept new challenges

  Always be concerned with international and domestic affairs,and always care for economic activity in the world

  Like to play Football, Music, and badminton.
