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Name: Mr. sean Nationality: China (Mainland)

  Current Place: Guangzhou Height/Weight: 176 cm 75 kg

  Marital Status: Single Age: 37 years

  Career Objective

  Application type:

  Preferred job title: Purchasing Director/Manager/Supervisor: Purchasing Manager 、 Purchasing Director/Manager/Supervisor: Purchasing Supervisor 、 : Sourcing Engineer

  Working life: 14 Title: No title

  Job type: Full time Expected Start date: In a day

  Expected salary: Preferred working place: Shenzhen Guangzhou Foshan

  Work experience

  Company's name: FOXCONN Mechanical Optical Electronics Business Group (Foshan Premier Technology Company)Begin and end date: 20_-07-20_-11

  Enterprise nature: Share-holding enterprisesIndustry: Communication/Telecom/Network Equipment

  Job Title: Sourcing Leader

  Job description: -taking part in the development and price assement for new product

  -cost analysis of new product, bargaining, Pricing, and identifying the suppliers

  -responsible for the process of MP material

  -assessment and leading-in for new suppliers

  -assessment and directing for the daily suppliers

  -dealing with the abnormal price and maintaining new price

  -costdown each quarter

  -follow up for purchasing contract , ROHS,and acknowledgment

  -helping buyers to promote material supplying.

  -handling mould, assessment production capacity, removing, rejecting and so on

  Reasons for leaving:

  Company's name: Guangdong Eternal Electric Holding LtdBegin and end date: 20_-10-20_-07

  Enterprise nature: Share-holding enterprisesIndustry: Communication/Telecom/Network Equipment

  Job Title: Purchasing Supervisor

  Job description: -conducting company policy of zero cost and costdown, reducing press of purchasing and capital turnover

  -collecting and analysing the trend of maket price of raw material

  -attending related fair and collecting information file

  -devolping,assessment and leading in new suppliers,drafting related cooperation contract

  -proofing, bargaining and cost analysis for new and old material

  -taking charge of qualified and alternative suppliers, and improving the supply chain

  -yearly assessment and performance evaluation for suppliers, directing suppliers with QC department

  - planing for purchasing and bid inviting, drafting related contracts

  -conducting related items of ROHS material and buliding QC080000 system

  -devolping OEM product and suppliers for meeting requirment of national maketing department

  -preparing related certification files for new product

  Reasons for leaving:

  Company's name: Hongsheng Technology Puyong Optical Electronics Ltd..Begin and end date: 20_-08-20_-09

  Enterprise nature: Share-holding enterprisesIndustry: Communication/Telecom/Network Equipment

  Job Title: Logistics Supervisor

  Job description: -responsible for whole logistics management ,planing for sourcing,production management,material controlling ,daily work of warehouse and making sure the smooth logistics and delivery

  -coordinating material among head office of Taiwan ,subsidary of HK, factory of Mainland, responsible for storage, Receiving, dispatch or goods rejected and repairing ; planning stock count in the middle or end of year, and controlling effectively storage

  -yearly assessment and performance evaluation for suppliers, maintaining relationship between suppliers, improving supply chain, and realizing zero souring

  -making out plan of sourcing fund, checking and controlling daily expend of deparment

  -assisting buyers to develop new supliers ,bargain,cost analysis and draft related contracts

  -holding daily coordination meeting,helping production manager and material controller to communicate ,implementing the production plan smoothly

  Reasons for leaving:

  Company's name: Dongguan (D-Link)Net Electronic ManufactoryBegin and end date: 1998-08-20_-07

  Enterprise nature: Share-holding enterprisesIndustry: Computer/Internet/Communication/Electronics

  Job Title: buyer

  Job description: -purchasing electric material and Consumables

  -follow up and coordinating goods delivery of suppliers

  -developing and managing suppliers

  -handling abnormal material

  -proofing for new material and sample presentation

  Reasons for leaving:

  Educational Background

  Name of School: Shanxi Financial Management College

  Highest Degree: Associate Date of Graduation: 1998-07-01

  Name of Major 1: Counting Computerization Name of Major 2:

  Education experience:

  Start date End date Education organization Majors Certificate Certificate No

  20_-03 20_-03 business management consultative Ltd., Purchase cost

  Language Ability

  Foreign Language: English Level: good

  Chinese level: perfect Cantonese Level: good

  Relevant skills and abilities

  - Good humor, but without losing steady, strong interpersonal communication and coordination skills, good at creating good interpersonal relationships inside and outside;

  - Work actively, practical, sense of commitment, responsibility, creative, good team spirit;

  - Evaluation of suppliers for many years experience, involve in different areas of manufacturing industry, be good at absorbing and utilizing the knowledge and experience of suppliers;

  - Self-learning ability, continuous improvement, good at absorbing new technologies and knowledge, have strong adaptability for different companies and positions;

  - Be rich in commercial negotiations and bargaining skills, cost consciousness, able to manage the supply chain and can purchase at the lowest reasonable price;

  - Strong communication skills and writing skills, to develop the logistics management system and make related ISO files cooperation agreements, contracts;

  - Good at promoting the implementation of ERP systems to integrate company logistics information, management system to ensure smooth implementation of production plans, lower inventory and improve material flow rate.

  Self-recommendation letter

  Logistics procurement management in 10 years, new supplier development, supplier site assessment, supplier management, bidding and purchasing co-ordination, cost analysis experience, negotiation skills and extensive bargaining ability; familiar with electronic
