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Date of Birth: 19th July 1986
  Hobbies: Reading, Paining
  Contact Number:
  Email Id: jianli.yjbys.com
  Career Objective
  To obtain the position of a junior merchandiser in a leading retail agency and get an opportunity to learn the practical applications of the merchandising principles. To get a chance to participate in product development process from conceptualizing to promotion stages.
  Key Skills
  Expert knowledge in marketing principles, sales strategy-making, market research methods and brand development theory
  Strong sense of fashion aesthetics and designing techniques that help to present the merchandise in captivating manner
  Excellent market research, forecasting and decision making abilities that help to make accurate preparations for benefiting from future trends
  Ability to establish friendly relations with customers and associates by maintaining courteous and helpful conduct at all times
  Familiar with the several marketing, promotional and brand development avenues that can be used for improving sales
  Work Experience
  Position: Junior Merchandiser
  Company: Galaxy Marketers and Promoters Inc, San Diego
  Tenure: May 20_ - Till date
  Work under the supervision of the head merchandiser and perform different promotional activities as per the marketing plan
  Take an overview of the goods received from the vendor and choose the ones that are sure to catch attention of customers as display articles
  Prepare the product promotional strategy with the marketers and make necessary arrangements to implement them
  Announce schemes, discounts and free gifts, gift vouchers, etc., as a method for promoting sales of the retail outlet
  Plan special promotional ideas for celebrating special occasions like festivals and days as per the theme
  Position: Asst Merchandiser
  Company: Panache Retail Marketers Inc, San Diego
  Tenure: January 20_ - April 20_
  Responsible to set up the window display and shelf display at the retail outlet as per the instructions given by the seniors
  Communicated the response of the customers towards the goods to the manufacturers. Asked them to make changes, if required to improve the demand
  Communicated with the vendors for placing orders and tracking the movement of the consignment for delivery of goods
  Utilized the avenues of promotion such as pamphlets, websites, window displays, hoardings, audio - visual advertisements, etc.
  Found ways to encourage the loyal customers for buying at the stores by offering them higher discounts and special packages
  Position: Marketing Intern
  Company: Renaissance Retailing Inc, San Diego
  Tenure: September 20_ - December 20_
  Gathered the fresh stock of goods and added the price tag and instructions tag to it
  Sort the clothes as per the fashion essence and forward tit to the respective section
  Arranged the clothes on the racks or in stands within the section alloted to it
  Rearrange the clothes in the stands that were put on display but not purchased
  Sent the clothes with defects for repairs or discarded them, if they are worn out
  Educational Qualifications
  Bachelor's Degree in Marketing Management
  San Diego University, 20_
