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I'm a 20 year old boy. Why do I call him a boy? Because my heart is stillvery young

I'm an adult man. Why is it called a man? Because I have everything for aman

Haha. Actually I am not very aware of their problem, my appearance isalways happy, the heart is not necessarily. I is a lot of worry, worry, worry,labor, or even give up!

I think a person has pain, to realize the e-istence of happiness, only oncethe pain, only now happy

Human life can be pided into several stages: infancy, childhood, youth,youth, adult, middle-aged and old. I'm in the period of youth, is a bridgebetween juvenile and adult. I recall youth, because youth has brought mehappiness; I yearn for the adult, because of age can do many willingly do notsubject to any person to stop and constraints.

People always learn to grow up slowly, and I think I have e-perienced alot...

There are a lot of people ask me why I don't GF, actually I would like tofind it, just think, not what meaning, and can only find a good person, verymany people can not find good, why give up to a tree of the forest, you say? Ilove the is the friend above lianrenweiman relationship. Oh well, I am prettysure this man does fate, think if the yuan will come together, I was in my feetfrom the Department of the red line of a head seeking to end!!

Coincidentally, I recognized a sister in high school, although she is notvery sensible, but I still cherish it. How many friends can I find in my life,not to mention my sister, what do you think?

Say so much, you still don't know me very well. Ha ha. Then come to knowme, and I also like making friends


HI! Good students, my name is Mo -iaobei, after middle school and everyone,I'm really happy. Let me introduce myself to you. A round face, a bundle ofMasson, this image has been with my primary school for 6 years. I am 12 yearsold this year, is already a at the beginning of the birth, but always cannotescape this childish face.

My main hobby is reading. Speaking of reading, I have a little story! Whenthe primary school grade 5, I look at the table to buy a book "La Traviata", Iyearn for this book for a long time, but my father has not agreed to my request.I have a strong self-esteem, from childhood to almost no for others, this time,I had to bite the bullet, asked him to borrow. Who knows, he said can be, to getmy "Troy > e-change with him, I had to give him the book, to the" La Traviatato him.

I was crying out love. Oh, you can not laugh, this is my hobby! Pets die,bullying, cry cry!! the e-am is not good, cry! Reading to see the touching, noseacid, and down two rows of "peas". However, I don't think embarrassed. I lovethe saying "when the laugh and laugh, cry cry when, without disguise. Frank.

I hate to say, a number of sports. Sports performance has been good so far.The softball can throw four or five meters, e-amination results from not 70points. This shortcoming, I must change. I would like to introduce myself, youwill love me?


I am a lively, sunny, ambitious, handsome boy, this year 12 years old, justgraduated from the primary school, my name is ---.. I am the most importantcharacter is modest, every turn tail man.

I have a slim eyebrows, shifty-eyed... Can some eye.. in a word, I had itall. Is it special? I was handsome, in a word; love everyone, see flowers bloom,car see car tire, see tire burst.

I have a round head, a head of comely thin hair, with a positive ZhangJunjun Qiao Qiao lovely handsome pretty standard Chinese characters face.

I love sports, love playing badminton; like eating; hate the most is towrite many difficult to write and write the words. I love the song is "WarWithin Three Kingdoms"; the love book is a comic book; love watching the TVcartoon; fear most is to eat meat the East West, the love is to play thegame.

My body is very good, very slim body, maintain 2 years of 30 kilograms, andthe smallest girl in our class. Oh, this is me. I thank you very well!


I called Liu -uanran, but a real tomboy. Don't believe it, hehe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~hum that I can't do anything. But, I mean what one says Dad at home, mom andbrother both spoil me, really happy ah. But I also love the capital, don't lookat graduation in fact, my junior high school, high school courses are finished,if not to accompany brother play a few years, I never went to our home highschool. Because my grades are GOOD, so, mom and dad to me is very loose everyday in the busy business, not loose to Kazakhstan

Forget an important problem, that is my face. What is the so-called Iforget HA I put on the clothes is handsome boys the premise is to hide the longhair, put on clothes are beautiful girls no way, too good to genetic up to

My brother is two people in Liuzhou not even the Dragon Phoeni-, of course,there are also disadvantages in Kazakhstan. Brother Feng day is a workaholic,not looking for he really don't see; as for second day -i, only a year olderthan me, a famous school e-cept my mom and dad the reason why I want to fightMAD and he is a school, because he fights together and more conveniently inquireabout his arrest several handle a romantic affair, ha ha ha ~ ~ two arehandsome, which is what love sister ah, ah want their mobile phone number or thenote directly asked me.

My dad said, because of the influence of the grandfather was in theunderworld run around with a job and dad grew up together with a small when theboss, after two people were out of the underworld, as a businessman, there areseveral global companies in different aspects. Mom, that is absolutely beautifulI or my brother SA gene so well now age more than 40 or bujiandangnian beautyah.


I am on the rivers and lakes love everyone, see flowers bloom, car see car,said I, handsome, casual and elegant bearing, equal to anything, tall,statelyand handsome, tall, educated, with millions of fans, captured the hearts ofthousands of girls, known as the little white dragon a pear pressure Begoniajade face, handsome to squeeze out!

I am not the only advantage is not what advantages disadvantages Ibasically all the disadvantages of the biggest drawback is the only advantage ifhandsome is a kind of crime, I have committed the greatest crime; if the type isa kind of wrong, I have the same mistake again; if smart to be punished, I donot want to humble if punishment by hacking process; torture, I they can getaway with it?

I am 23 years old, handsome -iaojiu. At the age of seven the martial artsat age of nine, at the age of 12 girls, as astronomy geography, knowledge ofeach walking, trifles, often make the beauty back, handsome guy jumping,kind-hearted and helpful. When the primary school Chinese class teachere-plained the meaning of "handsome", I am 100 puzzled, secretly handed over asmall mirror table. A photo. Oh. I suddenly understand... It is said that when Iwas born, the northern sky, appeared a piece of auspicious clouds, graduallyfrom far to near, floated into my roof, turned into a word: handsome.

