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出国留学短论文范文 第一篇

Attending schools abroad has many advantages. In the first place, by looking at our own country from outside, we can best see the strong points and weak points of our nation and therefore widen our vision and broaden our minds.

Second, while studying in a foreign country, we can travel widely, visiting famous scenic spots and making friends with the local people. Thirdly we can use the foreign language in our daily life so that our ability in the second language may be improved quickly. But the most important thing in attending a foreign university is to get acquainted with the latest knowledge in science and technology and make use of the first-rate facilities available. For all these advantages, it is really worthwhile to go abroad for education.

However, as everything has two sides, there are also some disadvantages in attending a foreign university. The most serious problem is the language barrier. Most of the students who are ready to go abroad do not adequate knowledge of the language spoken there. As a result, on arriving there, they will find it difficult to understand what the instructors are saying. Besides, for lack of knowledge of the customs and way of life of the local people, they may run into trouble in dealing with various situations. Therefore, misunderstandings often arise. Furthermore, the cost of living is much higher than that in our country, so most students have to find part-tine jobs in order to help support themselves.

Faced with these difficulties, many students find themselves unable to pay full attention to their studies and some students may even fail in their courses and learn little.

出国留学短论文范文 第二篇

Nowadays, studying abroad is very popular for Chinese students. With the development of economy, many families have the money to provide better education to their kids and they choose to send their children to receive foreign education. This is the trend and students must notice some problems to better adjust to the new environment.


First, mastering the basic English is very necessary. A lot of students give up learning English and only treat it as the subject that is forced to learn. As the common language is English while studying abroad, the foreign universities have the language level test. So learning English well is the necessary way to receive foreign education.


Second, it is of great importance to study something about the culture shock. When a student goes abroad, he will meet different culture. If he has prepared for this, he can solve the problems and better communicate with the local people. What’s more, he can also get used to the strange environment.


It is better to make full preparation before students study abroad. If they are good at English and have some knowledge about the local culture, they will be strong to deal with problems.


出国留学短论文范文 第三篇

Although students can get a good education in most subjects at their home universities, it is important to study abroad for some or part of one’s college education. Study abroad can give a student competency in a new language, familiarity with a different culture, and a chance to grow in different ways.

One cannot deny that it is important to be bilingual or even multilingual in today’s fast-paced world. We have a global economy and communication by Internet and satellite TV means we must be familiar with other languages in order to keep up with new developments.

Knowing another culture is also important today. Respect for other people and their traditions will foster cooperation and peace. We should all do our part to make sure the world is safe for our children. It will only be safe if we understand and respect other people and their culture.

When we are out of our environment, we feel freer to experiment with different ways of doing things. We are all inpiduals and we need time to be on our own, away from our comfortable nests. We may try different things and reject them. We might also adopt them. People can change and it is easier to change when you are away from your family surroundings.

Study abroad can be enriching. Not only can we learn a new language, understand more about a different culture, but we can learn more about ourselves too. At the same time, of course, we are getting an education in the formal sense.

出国留学短论文范文 第四篇

Overseas studying

In recent year,overseas studying is very popular. More and more people go abroad in order to studying.

Different people have different idears on this people think that it is no neccersary,beacause they think that the knowledge in motherland is people approve of overseas think it is helpful to improve themselves in learning and working.

In my opinion,it is provides many chances for people who want to make progress;second,it is a mind-exparding experience,people who went abroad can obtain the culture,customs and so on;third,facing with the vocational pressure is very important chances to overseas studying .

So ,I think overseas studying is very important to everyone.

出国留学短论文范文 第五篇

There are some advantages and disadvantages in studying abroad. In my opinion, I'm in favour of studying abroad. First of all, If we live with a local family, we will communicate with each other.

In this way, we have more chances to practise speaking English. Besides, we can learn more aout Western culture and customs. What's more, we will have a good job with diploma in the future. However, some people are against studying abroad.

In their opinion, first, studying abroad is too expensive. In addition, Since it's too far away and we aren't familiar with the environment. We will feel lonely. What's more, Since we 're unfamiliar with Western culture and customs, we may be not used to the food, the way of communication and teaching methods and so on.

出国留学短论文范文 第六篇

自年以来,中国加入 wto后所承诺的所有条款都进入全面实施阶段,我国改革开放的力度变得更大,与世界经济发展更为同步和紧密。在经济全球化大背景下,各国之间高层次人才的交流活动日渐频繁,不同文化和价值观念进一步交汇和相互冲击,生源和师资的国际间流动不断加速,高等教育领域的国际竞争日趋激烈。教育国际化作为经济全球化的一个重要方面,在对我国高等教育产生巨大冲击的同时,也带来许多机遇。高等院校应顺应时代的潮流,不断提高大学自身生存发展的竞争力,积极采取措施,在扩大留学生招生规模的同时,大力加强留学生素质教育,全面提高留学生管理质量,不断推进高校国际化进程。














