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Language is essential; language is what we use to communicate among others. it is something that joins us just as strongly as it separates us. There are many different “languages” in the world but really they are all bound by certain rules, they all have a format that they follow, all of them have nouns, verbs, tenses, and adjectives.

Language is almost like a math, the point of it is that when you speak, you try to reach a conclusion with a different person, and in math you use equations to solve problems and reach conclusions, one is numbers the other is words.



Mother is always the greatest person in the family,because she takes care of everything, she does allthe housework, though she is a housewife, what sheis so heavy and great.


I nearly help my mother to do the housework, when I go home after school, I always go out toplay with my friend and then until the dinner, I will e back.


Now as I grow up, I start to realize that I need to help my mother, I should share somehousework, so that I can reduce her burden.


Since I help my mother with the housework, she looks so happy, she will praise me in front ofher friends.


I feel proud of myself.




For most boys, they love to see basketball match, because they love to play it.


While today, more and more girls fall in love with sports, they also bee the big fans.


Since the Olympic Games held in Beijing in 20_, people are passionate about sport, more and more sports are known by the public.

自从20_年奥运会在北京举行,人们对体育富有 *** ,越来越多的运动为大众所知。

I am a big fan of tennis match, once a famous athlete said one ball could change everything, you will never know the result until the last minute, I think that is the charm of sports.

The athletes never give up and fight for the last minute, they inspire people to hold on, their spirit moves so many people.




The new year is ing, it means that I am older, Iam not the little girl any more, I must makesomething different from the old me.


Before, I was so lazy to do the housework, when mymother asked me to do it, I would make someexcuses and then ran away.


Now I need to learn to take some responsibility, I should share the housework and relieve mymother’s burden.


The new year gives me the new task, I must learn to broaden my vision and gain theknowledge, so that I can make some progress.


I am so happy that I am older and grow up, I want to bee mature and let my parents beproud of me.



>How to spend sundays

Some of us always spend Sundays aimlessly. We can seldom derive profits from the valuable hours (time) of Sundays. This is indeed a great pity. Though Sundays are set aside as a day for rest, we must make good use of them.

We know that our school lessons are usually not sufficient. We should often utilize Sundays to read reference books. In this way we will increase our knowledge. Besides, we must be engaged in sports or outing so as to strengthen our bodies.


Youth comes only once in a lifetime, therefore, it is important that we should not waste those years in idleness and bad living.

This is also the time when our memories are are able to learn more during this time than when we become older. During our younger years, we have the enthusiasm to set high goals for ourselves. We also try to overcome obstacles which are placed in our way.

If we realize how precious youth is, we will be fulfilled when we are young as well as when we are older. If we waste our youth, we will spend the rest of our lives wishing we could be young again.



We are not god, so we will have the emotions all thetime, when we meet difficulties, we will feeldistressed, when we are treated unfairly, we will beangry.


We must learn to deal emotions, so that we canmove on.


When the emotions e, we must tell ourselves to calm down, we can get angry for a while,but not all the time, only when we calm down can we think in a clear way.


We can also find a way to relieve our emotions, like going to KTV or just talking to friends.


We have to face emotion problems now and then, if we do the right thing, then all is well.




Before the New Year, people will have a big dinner, itis called reunion dinner.


People pay special attention to it, they would dropdown everything and e back to home for it.


The dinner is not just for eating the delicious food, the most important thing is that all thefamily members get together.


People are busy for their work, they don’t have much time to visit their parents, the reuniondinner provides people the chance to talk to their relatives and promotes their multi-understanding.


This moment is very precious, so no matter what people do, they will go home on that daywithout hesitation.


The meaning of reunion will be last forever and people should remember it all the time.

