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  xx年5月12日下午14时28分,四川省汶川县发生7.8级地震,现已造成上万伤亡。突如其来的灾难给灾区人民带来了极大的痛苦. 作为一名留学生,我们远在他乡但心不曾远离我们的祖国.我们身处千里之外,能够做的也许不多,但还是一些事是我们能够也应该做到的:







  china earthquake contributionswritten proposal

  all chinese students studying in australia students

  may 12, at 2:28 p.m., in wenchuan county in sichuan province 7.8 earthquake that caused thousands of casualties now. sudden disaster to people in disaster areas a great deal of pain. as a student, far away in our hearts has not been away from home but our motherland. we live thousands of miles away, can do little perhaps, but still some things that we can and should do:

  first of all, donations can, but must meet its own capacity to guarantee their own lives to the premise, if excessive contributions or additional work led to their own lives and learning be affected is wrong, should not be advocated.

  second, the world is also not a single country can accurate and timely forecast earthquakes, not to accuse us of the experts, it is now we should unite most of the time, we should trust our government, our soldiers, medical personnel, public information who are struggling in the front line, we should do most of their strong backing.

  third, as a student, we should always remember our own identity, we are chinese, our words and deeds on behalf of our country's image, for those who insult to our national honour of speech and practice, we have what we should do is to take the initiative and accurate expression to the reality and refute cool, radical words and deeds will only they will not feel that the quality of the people.

  finally and most important point: each in their own posts and do a good job in a matter within their own is also a contribution to the disaster areas. as students, our country's purpose is to serve the motherland and the future, our most important task is to learn, facing such a catastrophe, we should turn grief into strength, and more efforts to study the future development of the technology, the economic prosperity of the motherland.

  let us surmount, united as one, prayed for the people of disaster areas, i believe the chinese government and the communist party, the motherland and people join hands to tide over this difficult period.
